
Here is information on what some of the past 买球平台 students are doing.

If you would like to send the program updated information, we would be happy to include this in the alumni/ae page. Please send any information to the 买球平台 program coordinator, 伊丽莎白.

校友 profile of Hannah Cooke, Class of 2018


专业: 买球平台 and Government and Legal Studies

小: 教育

地点: 马萨诸塞州的波士顿

Most memorable Africana studies class: Literature of the Civil War with Tess Chakkalakal

"买球平台 has proved to be an incredibly versatile degree, which has translated into personal and professional growth opportunities, 和更多的 importantly relationships, which continue to positively impact my life."

What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

毕业后, 我在两所独立学校——庞弗雷特学校和伯克郡学校当了三年的教师. 我的第一份工作, 我教美国历史(并开设了学校有史以来第一个非裔美国人历史课), co-led the school’s social justice curriculum, assisted coached the girls’ varsity basketball and co-ed track & 实地团队,并担任多样性,公平和包容性的临时联合主任. 在接受现在的工作并搬到波士顿之前,我在伯克希尔学校(Berkshire School)担任了一年的多元文化招聘主管. I’m currently an associate in the HR executive search practice at Spencer Stuart, a global leadership advisory consulting firm. I recruit HR and DEI [diversity, 股本, and inclusion] executives, 共同领导波士顿办事处的JEDI [Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion]组织和规划, and assist the internal talent acquisition team with various DEI initiatives.



类: 2015

地点: 洛杉矶,加州

主要(s): 买球平台



毕业典礼六天后,我登上了飞往洛杉矶的飞机,去追求我对电影制作的热爱. 我目前在TGroup Productions公司总裁办公室担任行政助理. 我现在的角色可以让我学习电视制作背后的业务,同时还可以让我有时间作为一个独立的电影制作人工作. Just recently I directed and produced a short film with my team in Washington D.C.



类: 2014

地点: 德国波恩

主要(s): 买球平台

After graduating in May of 2014, Mark spent two years working as an Admission Counselor at Bates College. He is currently living in 德国波恩, and working as an English Teaching Assistant through the Fulbright Program, a U.S. State Department grant that promotes cultural and linguistic exchange.



类: 2014

地点: 曼哈顿,纽约

主要(s): 买球平台



毕业后, 我开始在曼哈顿地区检察官办公室担任审判准备助理. In this position, I help six Assistant District Attorney's 管理 their caseload. This includes drafting legal documents, coordinating with law enforcement officials, and sitting in on witness and victim interviews. 我在买球平台系的课程要求我批判性地思考我们社会中的种族差异, specifically in the criminal justice system. 我在地方检察官办公室的工作让我对这个紧迫的问题有了独特的看法.



类: 2000

地点: 新泽西纽瓦克

主要(s): 买球平台

Mr. Short obtained his law degree from the William and Mary School of Law in 2003. He is now a partner at McCarter and English, and practices in all areas of intellectual property law, representing clients in disputes and transactions relating to patent, 商标, 商业外观, copyright and trade secret, as well as unfair trade/business practices, cyberlaw and data privacy issues.



类: 2000

地点: 纽约,纽约

主要(s): 买球平台

Ms. Davis is Founder and President of GreenHouse Eco-Cleaning in New York City.



类: 2014

地点: 亚特兰大,乔治亚州

主要(s): 买球平台, 生物学

特蕾西·雪莉于2014年毕业于买球平台大学,获得生物学和买球平台双学位, and is originally from Waterloo, IA. 她目前就读于亚特兰大埃默里大学医学院的医学博士课程, GA.


After graduating from Bowdoin, Tracy spent two years in Washington, DC, serving as an AmeriCorp member with AIDS United at Whitman Walker Health, a community health center specializing in LGBT and HIV care. She provided HIV testing and counseling services, facilitated support groups for HIV positive men and women, coordinated a peer mentorship program for individuals newly diagnosed with HIV, and trained individuals in HIV/STI testing, 街外展, 以及性教育. 为了她的医学训练, 特蕾西知道,她想进入一个认识到科学和服务在医学研究中的重要性的机构. 她选择埃默里大学是因为该校医学生的主要训练基地是格雷迪医院, 该医院是国内仅存的几家公立医院之一,代表了该大学为亚特兰大所有居民提供医疗保健的承诺, regardless of their ability to pay.



类: 2017

地点: 达勒姆数控

主要(s): 社会学

小(s): 买球平台

I am a PhD student in the 社会学 program at Duke University. 现在, I'm making my way through the coursework for the degree, but I eventually hope to do research on migration, 比赛, and politics in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, as well as 身份 formation among immigrants in the United States.

你的职业是什么?? What is your current job (roles and responsibilities)?

I am a PhD student in the 社会学 program at Duke University. 在开始研究生学习之前,我是马萨诸塞州一家律师事务所的律师助理,专门从事家庭和商业移民法律. 我的职责是协助以家庭为基础的实践,并直接与那些想要获得合法身份并在美国建立自己生活的外国人合作. I hope to use this experience to inform my own research and future work.


买球平台, I never felt like I was learning just for the sake of learning, 我的课程和我的工作总是感觉有目的,与现实世界的问题有关. I feel that this really laid the groundwork for my path to graduate school, 我希望在我正在做的工作和未来希望做的工作中采取同样的方法, especially around issues of 比赛, 身份, 和归属感.

Has studying 社会学 and Anthropology impacted your perspective (personally, 专业, 或其他)? 如果有,如何?

Studying 社会学 has made me more aware of the things going on around me, and opened my eyes to a lot of issues that are sometimes taken for granted. 我的研究还告诉我,看待问题的方法不止一种, 在思考一个特定的问题或研究问题时要保持开放的心态,因为有时我们认为正在发生的事情或我们从外部感知到的事情并不能反映实际发生的事情. 就我个人而言, 我最喜欢这个领域的是,它给了我解决我一生中一直在问的问题的工具, 但它允许我这样做,同时从各种角度和方法来获得更全面的画面.

What are the one or two events, courses or people that stand out in your mind from your time at Bowdoin?

Two things that stand out to me from my time at Bowdoin are my advisors, who went above and beyond for four years to work with me, 挑战我, and push me to be a better student and sociologist, and my theory class with Dr. 西奥格林, 是哪一种学术催化剂促使我进行独立研究,并更认真地考虑读研.

Do you have any advice for current student at Bowdoin?
